IPOH, 25 Nov – Silverlake Village Outlet, Batu Gajah, Perak is set to be a battleground for nearly 90 participants from all over Asia, including Malaysian representatives in the 2022 Asia Triathlon Cup (ATC) which will take place on Saturday.

President of the Perak Triathlon Association and also the Chairman of the Organising Committee, Dr. Khoo Peng Chuan, said that his team was excited to welcome the participants who started to arrive in Ipoh since last Thursday.

“As the organiser we have been looking forward in welcoming all the participants be it the Malaysian contingent or participants from other countries. We have been planning it since last year, so now we are proud to have them here.

“Even though, the date of organising this ATC had to be moved a week later following the 15th General Election (GE15) which was held last weekend, but we are happy to see so many participants from oversea turn up.

“This proves that organising of ATC in Perak is successful as it managed to attract participants from abroad even if it is held outside Kuala Lumpur. We are absolutely pleased with the numbers of participation,” he added.

Perak has been chosen to host the final stage of ATC 2022 which is jointly organised by Malaysian Triathlon Association and Perak Triathlon Association alongside Stagemaker Sdn Bhd.

There are six categories in ATC 2022 comprise of elite male and female (age 23 and above), male and female age 19 to 23 and male and female age 16 to 19. Each participants has to go through three disciplines which is swimming (750 meter), followed by cycling (20 kilometer) and running (5 kilometer)

Dr. Khoo added, “Triathlon has started to grow in Malaysia and I hope that ATC held in Perak will be an eye opener to many parties that this sport require strong stamina and endurance.

Meanwhile, Malaysia Triathlon Association President, Mr. Tony Tan Beng Hong said, “Malaysian with so many participants from other countries, it will definitely stir up the fighting spirit in the Malaysian athletes to be more competitive.

“This is a very good opportunity for our triathlon athletes to compete with the big names from overseas. I hope they will gain as much experience as possible here. On the other hand, ATC will be the platform to access the athlete’s performance prior to next year’s SEA Games at Cambodia and Youth Commonwealth Games at Trinidad and Tobago,” he said.

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